Carbon tax and energy rates

Much has been made of Nersa's recent multi-year determination of Eskom's increases for the next 5 years.  Eskom, to support its build and maintenance backlog, had requested 16 % over the next 5 years.  Nersa on the other hand granted an increase of 8%.  This will take...

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Outcomes of the COP 18 Climate Summit in Doha

The UN climate talks in Doha have closed with a historic shift in principle agreed but with very few genuine cuts in greenhouse gases. The summit has established for the first time that rich nations should move towards compensating poor nations for losses due to...

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Climate change and Cop 18 – The time for talking is over

As the talks start at COP18 in Doha,  I can’t help but feel that we may all be in for a massive let down once again. ‘We’ in this instance are those like minded individuals, probably in the minority, that are increasingly concerned about our climate and the legacy...

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Sustainability – Get back to basics

When one thinks of sustainability and sustainable business practices, two of the most common terms that come to mind are ‘carbon neutrality’ and ‘going green’. It is abundantly clear that the challenges we face as humanity are enormous with a required 80% reduction in...

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‘Green’ initiatives need to deliver broader sustainability

I can’t help thinking that the ‘green business’ community, ourselves included, are doing itself and the environment a disservice by focusing only on green and not ensuring that a broader sustainable business model is addressed through our technology and consulting...

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We need a “smoke enders” culture to reduce emissions

As we go through round after round of climate talks with the likelihood of securing a climate deal in the near future looking ever more remote, it strikes me that human kind is yet again failing to learn from past ills. The simple analogy that I draw on is around...

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The quick guide to a carbon neutral office

Although much has been said about carbon disclosure projects and offsetting emissions, it seems as though the responsibility of creating a carbon neutral economy has been placed squarely on the shoulders of large enterprises and not SMEs. It seems as though smaller...

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