What causes carbon emissions?

What causes carbon emissions?

Usually we think of industry—of factories with smokestacks—when we consider the major sources of the carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to climate change. Although that is correct offices and services based companies account for a surprisingly large part of the...

What is a carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint is a calculation of the total greenhouse gas emissions caused directly and indirectly by an organisation or company. This is typically calculated and reported over a period of 12 months. What often makes a carbon footprint complicated is defining...
10 tips to create a green workplace

10 tips to create a green workplace

Solar panels on your roof, a recycling bin in your kitchen and public transport to work  – if you’re thinking tick, tick, tick then you’re well on your way to living a green lifestyle. If not, then now is a great time to start, and make a few changes to your...

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